Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Pass the tissues please...

*ah choo!!!*

*sniffle* *sniff* *sniffle*

*reaches over for the umpteenth tissue*

Yup... that basically sums up my morning so far... It's a wonder how I managed to drive to work unscathed... Especially with episodes of violent sneezes and the seemingly endless leakage of the nose... sigh. Crazy high amounts of histamines running around kua... *sniffle* *reaches for tissue...* Even despite the antihistamines I'd popped this morning... I have a feeling this is going to be a long and tiring day... My eyes feel watery already... Body weak... Getting hungry also (no wonder la... sneezing so violently... takes up energy, you know...)

Apart from that, seems like it'll be a quiet day at the office. Boss on leave... everyone minding their own business, doing their own thing... and this tranquility is then disturbed by another series of violent sneezing... sigh... Sorry, guys!!!

Oh no... looks like a headache from the congestion of the sinus is on the way... sigh.

1 comment:

Romolicious said...

Drink some chinese or japanese green tea, that should warm up the body.