Wednesday 14 May 2008


Today was exceptionally difficult in the office. This is an especially busy month for me - 2 training modules (3 days each); 3 days auditing as a trainee auditor for ISO internal audit; 3 days being audited for ISO internal audit... Each 3-days block are on different weeks. Throw in a couple of meetings to attend, being secretary to one of the meetings (meeting minutes to prepare, organizing the next meeting - meeting dates, call letters, booking of refreshments, etc)... Most importantly now, make sure that the department is prepared for the internal audit, on top of rushing licensing tasks and departmental training needs... Yeah, that roughly sums up the month of May... Oh wait, forgot about the departmental statistics reports and summaries. =S


Today, the stress level totally overwhelmed me and I finally broke down when talking to my colleague. It was the culmination of so many burdens placed upon my shoulders with limited (if any) resources or help from others, especially in terms of audit preparation... I'm the newest in the department, but expected to know everything... craziness!!!


Days like these become more frustrating when someone comes along and tells me how "wah... you work in government service... whole day so free can sit around shaking legs wat..." what I'm saying is - as if I would be lying about this workload!! Erm... wanna come take over so I can have a break for a few days??? So, be warned that there may be snapping if you try to "pull a stunt" like this, kayz?


So tired... Need to de-stress, take a holiday... when I can find some time... if I can afford some time! My first time conducting internal audit starts tomorrow till the end of the week... Wish I didn't have to be involved this year, but what to do... "saya yang menurut perintah" (roughly translated : I that follow instructions) mah... *winks*

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