Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Need : Holiday

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR... (Yes, I know it's already like 8 days into the new year already... Wrapped up with all sorts of stuff lar, so no time to blog oso...)

Lots has been happening since the welcoming in of 2008... Despite clearing up my work on New Year's Eve (yes, I was working that day, sadly... hehe!), as of 2nd January 2008, I have been working non-stop : reports to wrap up 2007, more license renewal applications to evaluate, annual report contribution, certify true copies of licenses... Before one task is completed, another one seems to have added itself at the end of the long queue of tasks!

On a lighter note, it's nice to have Chels and Sa dropping into the blog... =)

Am involved in the ISO Internal Audit training this week also... Yesterday and today was quite tough... especially the keeping awake in class after lunch! *winks* Tomorrow will be the last day of the course... Then, Thursday is a public holiday (yay, finally... some rest!!) and then Friday will come soon after, which will be the last day to clear up work before the much needed holiday...

Yes, you read it right... HOLIDAY!!! Woots!! I will be away in Terengganu... May not be the best time to be hanging around Terengganu, but will be praying for good weather and great fun anyways! Don't know if I'll come back with a tan though... We shall see!

Well, here's looking forward to a break from work... Objectives for 12th - 17th January : sleep, relax, bum on the beach, catch up on some reading... to sum it in one word, I'll have to say - RELAX!!! *grinz* Awana Kijal, here I come... whee!!

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