Monday 3 November 2008

What's with DiGi?!

We've all seen the cute rubber ducky advertisements those genius marketing peeps at DiGi masterminded into our hearts by now - with the constant repetitions of the (by now) all too familiar "quack". This, right after the "yellow man" warmed his way right into the hearts of our nation. (I heard that even a subsciber of competitor telco got excited and wanted to take a picture with Mr. Yellow Man himself during a roadshow!) One of the latest advertisements featured their new plan for prepaid services, as well as the unveiling of the option to switch service providers from other lines to DiGi (while retaining your original phone number). Being a DiGi Prepaid user, I thought I'd check out the latest plan offered to see if it would suit my needs. However, I was horrified to note that I was unable to access DiGi's website from my office... kudos once again to IT, I was greeted with yet another "Access Forbidden; Error 403" message... sighz~! =.="

Curiousity got the better of me today as I decided to surf over and see whether the Maxis, Celcom and U Mobile websites were accessible - THEY WERE!! How frustrating... I wonder if the IT peeps have got a thing against DiGi or something... sheesh! Come on lar, already it's frustrating enough that (almost!!) everything is blocked, including the chatbox (which has "Access Forbidden" plastered all over in its rectangular place) which I'd painstakingly(?) configured onto the blog... For lack of a better word... kanasai~!


Eric Thor said...

hahaha.... Maxis, umobile and Celcom must have paid your IT administrators to block out DiGi websites.

kimaroo said...

Har har... Not very funny from the way I see it though... >.<