Friday 13 June 2008

The Longest Tag... Ever!!

I don't believe I'm doing this... super long wei... But hey, I'm on holiday, hahaha!!! So here it goes... *inhales, exhales*

Starting time: 1.59pm
Name: Kim
Sisters: 1
Brothers: None
Shoe size: 5 (sometimes if the cut is right, then 4)
Height: 5' 3"
Where do you live?: Currently, in Yishun... *winks*
Favourite drinks: At the moment, Heaven and Earth Green Tea
Favourite breakfast: Current fave is the one I just had - McGriddles (Lovy introduces me to the most interesting foods, lolz!!)
Have you ever been on a plane?: Yes
Swam in the ocean: Yes
Fallen asleep at school: Haven't we all?? (At least I don't put thumbtacks on the teacher's chair!)
Broken someone's heart: Hope not!
Fell off your chair: *thud* Erm... I'm sitting on the floor now, else I think I might - seeing how incredibly long this tag is!!!
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: *blush* Yes
Saved e-mails: Yes...
What is your room like: Messy... and good-ol' procrastination doesn't help one bit!
What's right beside you: Stuff that don't belong to me... most likely Lovy's or Andrew's...
What is the last thing you ate: Grapes... before that was McGriddles meal!
Ever had chicken pox: Ugh... Yes.
Sore throat: Not at the moment and hoping not, too - will spoil my hols... (no, having that sexy voice is not consolation enough if my hols were ruined!)
Stitches: Yes, on my forehead... I supposedly tried to run before I knew how to walk properly, according to the folks... Too young to remember lar...
Broken nose: Nope.
Do you believe in love at first sight: Is there such a thing? Isn't it more like attraction than love?
Like picnics: Could be fun... depending on the company! And ants and mozzies are not preferred company... =P
Who was/were the last person you danced with: Erm... my tambourine girls?
Last made you smile: Lovy
You last yelled at: Not Lovy (don't wanna sleep outside tonight! *winks*)

Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: Erm... what you mean "like"? Like platonic "like"? Then it has got to be Lovy... (please don't lock me outside, kayz...)
Kissed anyone: No.
Get sick: No... wouldn't want to - I'm on holiday wei!!!
Talk to an ex: Nope.
Miss someone: Nope... I'm enjoying myself... Not homesick... yet?
Eat: Erm... see above??? Breakfast and fruit... remember???
Best feeling in the world: Loving and being loved in return
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Maybe... none are in sight, at the moment... For tonight, will be Lovy's stuffed animals, if any...
What's under your bed: Dust bunnies? And an assortment of stuff... (I really gotta get to cleaning my room... lost momentum... sighz)
Who do you really hate: Can't think of any...

What time is it now?: 2.16pm (I still think this tag is waayyyy too long!)

Is there a person who is on your mind now: Erm... I see Lovy in front of me... Beyond the laptops between us, though...
Do you have any siblings: Yes... we've established this earlier... (No wonder this tag so long lar... can't remember izzit? =P)
Do you want children: Yes =)
Do you smile often: I try to...
Do you like your hand-writing: Sometimes...
Are your toe nails painted: Not at the moment...
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: Hotel rooms, my parents' bed is actually very comfy too!
What color shirt are you wearing now: Black (the six-4-one shirt!! <= patriotic a bit, lolz!)
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: Rushing to catch my train!!
I can't wait till: I start my shopping/sightseeing (Ok... the faster I finish this tag, the faster we can leave!!)
When did you cry last: Can't recall at the moment (Too distracted glancing at the clock...)
Are you a friendly person: I hope so...
Do you have any pets: Yes... Princess the miniature pinscher...
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: Somewhere out there???
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: I don't remember who I last held hands with... Was it at church camp or cell group for some unity song??? Oh wait, was it you, Lovy? =P
Do you sleep with the TV on?: Yes, especially when I'm too tired and fall asleep while winding down in front of the TV...
What are you doing right now?: This extremely long tag... =P
Have you ever crawled through a window?: Think so... but I think I was smaller then...
Can you handle the truth?: Try to...
Are you too forgiving?: Dunno... maybe?
Are you closer to your mother or father?: Mummy...
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: I can't remember... Does God count? Or people at church?
How many people can you say you've really loved?: *shhh* My lips are sealed... A little mystery never killed anyone... *winks* But erm... I love my friends and family... does that count?
Do you eat healthy?: This is a trick question!!!
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: Yes, I think so...
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: Yes, especially when I'm emo...
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: Anyone who is trustworthy and willing to listen... Sometimes, only God will, so... =)
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: Depends on the company... hehe!
Are you confident?: In some ways, yes...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
- going to school
- going to tuition
- assignments
- projects
- homework
(Eh, it's a student's life wei... not that interesting!)

5 things on my to-do list today:
- shopping
- meet up with Pamela for shopping
- relax
- plan for the weekend
- enjoy my holiday, hehe!!

5 snacks I enjoy:
In no particular order and from the randomness of mind...
- fruit
- McGriddles
- M&Ms Peanut Butter
- KitKat Chunky Peanut Butter
- I'm a foodie... anything good will do!

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
- shopping's on my mind now... no time to think of anything else lar...
- hopefully some good investments
- holiday some more... haha!

5 of my bad habits:
- procrastinate, especially regarding cleaning my room, lolz!
- indecisive at times
- sleeps too much, lolz...
- eats too much, haha (holiday-ing with Lovy is not helping in the cause to lose weight... =P)
- blur...

5 places I have lived in: (I'm assuming holidays count?)
- Klang Valley
- Penang
- Sydney
- Melbourne
- Singapore

5 jobs I've had:
- assistant kindergarten teacher
- music teacher
- telemarketer
- factory worker (production packing line during my industrial training, haha!)
- legal drug pusher

5 people I tag:
- Jay
- Isaac
- Sieh Jin
- Donny (welcome back to blogging!)
- YOU who is reading this... if you're rajin enough lar... (sorry, not "original", but too lazy to think of any one specific person lar)

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